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Angelica's ladies library; or, parents and guardians present. With eight elegant plates, designed b…
printed for J. Hamilton and Co. at the Shakspeare Library, Beech-Street, near Finsbury-Square; and …

Angelica's ladies library; or, parents and guardians present. With eight elegant plates, designed b…
printed for J. Hamilton and Co. at the Shakspeare Library, Beech-Street, near Finsbury-Square; and …

Angelica's ladies library; or, parents and guardians present. With eight elegant plates, designed b…
printed for J. Hamilton and Co. at the Shakspeare Library, Beech-Street, near Finsbury-Square; and …

Angelica's ladies library; or, parents and guardians present. With eight elegant plates, designed b…
printed for J. Hamilton and Co. at the Shakspeare Library, Beech-Street, near Finsbury-Square; and …

Angelica's ladies library; or, parents and guardians present. With eight elegant plates, designed b…
printed for J. Hamilton and Co. at the Shakspeare Library, Beech-Street, near Finsbury-Square; and …

Angelica's ladies library; or, parents and guardians present. With eight elegant plates, designed b…
printed for J. Hamilton and Co. at the Shakspeare Library, Beech-Street, near Finsbury-Square; and …

Angelica's ladies library; or, parents and guardians present. With eight elegant plates, designed b…
printed for J. Hamilton and Co. at the Shakspeare Library, Beech-Street, near Finsbury-Square; and …

Angelica's ladies library; or, parents and guardians present. With eight elegant plates, designed b…
printed for J. Hamilton and Co. at the Shakspeare Library, Beech-Street, near Finsbury-Square; and …

Angelica's ladies library; or, parents and guardians present. With eight elegant plates, designed b…
printed for J. Hamilton and Co. at the Shakspeare Library, Beech-Street, near Finsbury-Square; and …

Angelica's ladies library; or, parents and guardians present. With eight elegant plates, designed b…
printed for J. Hamilton and Co. at the Shakspeare Library, Beech-Street, near Finsbury-Square; and …

Angelica's ladies library; or, parents and guardians present. With eight elegant plates, designed b…
printed for J. Hamilton and Co. at the Shakspeare Library, Beech-Street, near Finsbury-Square; and …

Angelica's ladies library; or, parents and guardians present. With eight elegant plates, designed b…
printed for J. Hamilton and Co. at the Shakspeare Library, Beech-Street, near Finsbury-Square; and …

The tales of the genii; or, the delightful lessons of Horam, the son of Asmar. Faithfully translate…
printed for C. Cooke, No. 17, Paternoster-Row. And sold by all the booksellers in Great Britain

The tales of the genii; or, the delightful lessons of Horam, the son of Asmar. Faithfully translate…
printed for C. Cooke, No. 17, Paternoster-Row. And sold by all the booksellers in Great Britain

The tales of the genii; or, the delightful lessons of Horam, the son of Asmar. Faithfully translate…
printed for C. Cooke, No. 17, Paternoster-Row. And sold by all the booksellers in Great Britain

The ready calculator, or universal directory and complete pocket-assistant for merchants, masters o…
printed for David Steel, at the Navigation-Warehouse, No. 1, Union-Row, the Lower-End of the Minori…

The ready calculator, or universal directory and complete pocket-assistant for merchants, masters o…
printed for David Steel, at the Navigation-Warehouse, No. 1, Union-Row, the Lower-End of the Minori…

The ready calculator, or universal directory and complete pocket-assistant for merchants, masters o…
printed for David Steel, at the Navigation-Warehouse, No. 1, Union-Row, the Lower-End of the Minori…

New duty on paper. The paper-maker and stationers assistant, Containing I. The Average Weight of Pa…
sold by Debrett, Piccadilly; Johnson, St. Paul's Church-Yard; and Bladon and Symonds, Pater-Noster-…

The queries answered; or observations upon "the points, submitted by a personage of high rank, for …

The queries answered; or observations upon "the points, submitted by a personage of high rank, for …

The queries answered; or observations upon "the points, submitted by a personage of high rank, for …

The queries answered; or observations upon "the points, submitted by a personage of high rank, for …

The queries answered; or observations upon "the points, submitted by a personage of high rank, for …

The queries answered; or observations upon "the points, submitted by a personage of high rank, for …

The queries answered; or observations upon "the points, submitted by a personage of high rank, for …

The queries answered; or observations upon "the points, submitted by a personage of high rank, for …

Theophilus, or the pupil instructed in the principles, the obligations, and the resources of the Ro…
printed for the author, by J. Smart, and sold by J. P. Coghlan, Duke-Street, Grosvenor square, Lond…

Theophilus, or the pupil instructed in the principles, the obligations, and the resources of the Ro…
printed for the author, by J. Smart, and sold by J. P. Coghlan, Duke-Street, Grosvenor square, Lond…

Theophilus, or the pupil instructed in the principles, the obligations, and the resources of the Ro…
printed for the author, by J. Smart, and sold by J. P. Coghlan, Duke-Street, Grosvenor square, Lond…

Theophilus, or the pupil instructed in the principles, the obligations, and the resources of the Ro…
printed for the author, by J. Smart, and sold by J. P. Coghlan, Duke-Street, Grosvenor square, Lond…

Mr. Anthony. A comedy. Written by the Right Honourable the Earl of Orrery. Licens'd August 27, 1689…
printed 1638, re-printed 1794, by T. Wilkins, Aldermanbury

A catalogue of the library at Bamburgh Castle, in the county of Northumberland, divided into three …
printed by L. Pennington

Oratio anniversaria in theatro Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis, ex Harveii instituto, habita…
apud T.N. Longman

Oratio anniversaria in theatro Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis, ex Harveii instituto, habita…
apud T.N. Longman

The mock doctor; or, the dumb lady cured. A ballad farce, in two acts, written by Mr. Henry Fieldin…
printed by J. Jarvis, for J. Parsons, No 21, Paternoster-Row

A revealed knowledge of the prophecies and times. Book the first. Containing, with other great and …

Respectfully inscribed to the Mayor of Bath. Desultory thoughts on the atrocious cruelties of the F…
printed by R. Cruttwell, and sold by J. Bell, at the circulating Library, Strand, London

An appeal to the people of England, on the subject of the French revolution; after a three years ex…

A new hieroglyphical Bible, for the amusement & instruction of children; Being A Selection of the m…
printed & published by G. Thompson No. 13 Long Lane. West Smithfield. (enterd at Stationers Hall.)

A new hieroglyphical Bible, for the amusement & instruction of children; Being A Selection of the m…
printed & published by G. Thompson No. 13 Long Lane. West Smithfield. (enterd at Stationers Hall.)

A new hieroglyphical Bible, for the amusement & instruction of children; Being A Selection of the m…
printed & published by G. Thompson No. 13 Long Lane. West Smithfield. (enterd at Stationers Hall.)

A new hieroglyphical Bible, for the amusement & instruction of children; Being A Selection of the m…
printed & published by G. Thompson No. 13 Long Lane. West Smithfield. (enterd at Stationers Hall.)

A new hieroglyphical Bible, for the amusement & instruction of children; Being A Selection of the m…
printed & published by G. Thompson No. 13 Long Lane. West Smithfield. (enterd at Stationers Hall.)

A new hieroglyphical Bible, for the amusement & instruction of children; Being A Selection of the m…
printed & published by G. Thompson No. 13 Long Lane. West Smithfield. (enterd at Stationers Hall.)

A new hieroglyphical Bible, for the amusement & instruction of children; Being A Selection of the m…
printed & published by G. Thompson No. 13 Long Lane. West Smithfield. (enterd at Stationers Hall.)

A new hieroglyphical Bible, for the amusement & instruction of children; Being A Selection of the m…
printed & published by G. Thompson No. 13 Long Lane. West Smithfield. (enterd at Stationers Hall.)

A new hieroglyphical Bible, for the amusement & instruction of children; Being A Selection of the m…
printed & published by G. Thompson No. 13 Long Lane. West Smithfield. (enterd at Stationers Hall.)

A new hieroglyphical Bible, for the amusement & instruction of children; Being A Selection of the m…
printed & published by G. Thompson No. 13 Long Lane. West Smithfield. (enterd at Stationers Hall.)

A new hieroglyphical Bible, for the amusement & instruction of children; Being A Selection of the m…
printed & published by G. Thompson No. 13 Long Lane. West Smithfield. (enterd at Stationers Hall.)