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Regulations and instructions relating to His Majesty's service at sea. Established by His Majesty i…
printed in the year

Regulations and instructions relating to His Majesty's service at sea. Established by His Majesty i…
printed in the year

Regulations and instructions relating to His Majesty's service at sea. Established by His Majesty i…
printed in the year

A. Jos. Testa, Phil. et M. D. in magno ferrariensium noscomio Med. et chir. Prof. Ord. de Vitalibus…
ex typograph. J. Davis, Chancery-Lane. Prostant apud J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-Yard; G. G. J. e…

A. Jos. Testa, Phil. et M. D. in magno ferrariensium noscomio Med. et chir. Prof. Ord. de Vitalibus…
ex typograph. J. Davis, Chancery-Lane. Prostant apud J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-Yard; G. G. J. e…

A method to multiply or divide any number of figures by a like or a less number, so expeditely, tha…
printed for the author, in Margaret-Street, near Cavendish-Square

A method to multiply or divide any number of figures by a like or a less number, so expeditely, tha…
printed for the author, in Margaret-Street, near Cavendish-Square

Of the mechanism of the motions of floating bodies. By M. de la Croix, Commissary of the Marine, &c…

Of the mechanism of the motions of floating bodies. By M. de la Croix, Commissary of the Marine, &c…