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Dissertatio medica, inauguralis, de Epispasticorum Usu in variis Morbis tractandis: quam, annuente …
apud Balfour et Smellie, Academiae Typographos

A free and candid examination of Dr. Cadogan's Dissertation on the gout, and chronic diseases. In w…
printed and sold by Simmons and Kirkby. Sold also by Robert Baldwin, Bookseller, in Pater-Noster Ro…

A free and candid examination of Dr. Cadogan's Dissertation on the gout, and chronic diseases. In w…
printed and sold by Simmons and Kirkby. Sold also by Robert Baldwin, Bookseller, in Pater-Noster Ro…

A free and candid examination of Dr. Cadogan's Dissertation on the gout, and chronic diseases. In w…
printed and sold by Simmons and Kirkby. Sold also by Robert Baldwin, Bookseller, in Pater-Noster Ro…

A free and candid examination of Dr. Cadogan's Dissertation on the gout, and chronic diseases. In w…
printed and sold by Simmons and Kirkby. Sold also by Robert Baldwin, Bookseller, in Pater-Noster Ro…

The medical directory. By Clement Francis, Surgeon. Member of the Society of Surgeons in London.
printed in the year of our Lord

The medical directory. By Clement Francis, Surgeon. Member of the Society of Surgeons in London.
printed in the year of our Lord

An essay on the power of nature and art, in Curing diseases: To which are annexed Impartial Reflect…
printed for W. Owen, at Temple-Bar

An essay on the power of nature and art, in Curing diseases: To which are annexed Impartial Reflect…
printed for W. Owen, at Temple-Bar

An essay on the power of nature and art, in Curing diseases: To which are annexed Impartial Reflect…
printed for W. Owen, at Temple-Bar

An essay on the power of nature and art, in Curing diseases: To which are annexed Impartial Reflect…
printed for W. Owen, at Temple-Bar

An account of the mechanism of the eye. Wherein its power of refracting the rays of light, and caus…
printed by Henry Cross-Grove, and sold by the booksellers of London and Norwich

An account of the mechanism of the eye. Wherein its power of refracting the rays of light, and caus…
printed by Henry Cross-Grove, and sold by the booksellers of London and Norwich

An account of the mechanism of the eye. Wherein its power of refracting the rays of light, and caus…
printed by Henry Cross-Grove, and sold by the booksellers of London and Norwich

An account of the mechanism of the eye. Wherein its power of refracting the rays of light, and caus…
printed by Henry Cross-Grove, and sold by the booksellers of London and Norwich

An account of the mechanism of the eye. Wherein its power of refracting the rays of light, and caus…
printed by Henry Cross-Grove, and sold by the booksellers of London and Norwich

An account of the mechanism of the eye. Wherein its power of refracting the rays of light, and caus…
printed by Henry Cross-Grove, and sold by the booksellers of London and Norwich

An account of the mechanism of the eye. Wherein its power of refracting the rays of light, and caus…
printed by Henry Cross-Grove, and sold by the booksellers of London and Norwich

An account of the mechanism of the eye. Wherein its power of refracting the rays of light, and caus…
printed by Henry Cross-Grove, and sold by the booksellers of London and Norwich

An account of the mechanism of the eye. Wherein its power of refracting the rays of light, and caus…
printed by Henry Cross-Grove, and sold by the booksellers of London and Norwich

An account of the mechanism of the eye. Wherein its power of refracting the rays of light, and caus…
printed by Henry Cross-Grove, and sold by the booksellers of London and Norwich

Serious reflections on the manifold dangers attending the use of copper vessels, and other utensils…
printed: and sold by M. Cooper, in Pater-Noster Row

The plan adopted by the Governors of the Middlesex-Hospital for the relief of persons afflicted wit…
printed by H.L. Galabin, Ingram-Court, Fenchurch-Street

Observations on the state of the Glocester infirmary, as reported by the committee of governors app…
Printed and published at the special request of the President and governors present; and sold for t…

Observations on the state of the Glocester infirmary, as reported by the committee of governors app…
Printed and published at the special request of the President and governors present; and sold for t…

The family physician: being a collection of useful family remedies. Together with plain and full di…
printed by J. Harrison, opposite Stationers-Hall, Ludgate-Street, and to be had of all the Booksell…

The family physician: being a collection of useful family remedies. Together with plain and full di…
printed by J. Harrison, opposite Stationers-Hall, Ludgate-Street, and to be had of all the Booksell…

The family physician: being a collection of useful family remedies. Together with plain and full di…
printed by J. Harrison, opposite Stationers-Hall, Ludgate-Street, and to be had of all the Booksell…

The family physician: being a collection of useful family remedies. Together with plain and full di…
printed by J. Harrison, opposite Stationers-Hall, Ludgate-Street, and to be had of all the Booksell…

The family physician: being a collection of useful family remedies. Together with plain and full di…
printed by J. Harrison, opposite Stationers-Hall, Ludgate-Street, and to be had of all the Booksell…

The family physician: being a collection of useful family remedies. Together with plain and full di…
printed by J. Harrison, opposite Stationers-Hall, Ludgate-Street, and to be had of all the Booksell…

The family physician: being a collection of useful family remedies. Together with plain and full di…
printed by J. Harrison, opposite Stationers-Hall, Ludgate-Street, and to be had of all the Booksell…

The family physician: being a collection of useful family remedies. Together with plain and full di…
printed by J. Harrison, opposite Stationers-Hall, Ludgate-Street, and to be had of all the Booksell…

The family physician: being a collection of useful family remedies. Together with plain and full di…
printed by J. Harrison, opposite Stationers-Hall, Ludgate-Street, and to be had of all the Booksell…

The family physician: being a collection of useful family remedies. Together with plain and full di…
printed by J. Harrison, opposite Stationers-Hall, Ludgate-Street, and to be had of all the Booksell…

A guide to health; being cautions and directions in the treatment of diseases. Designed chiefly for…
printed for Cox, St. Thomas's-Street, Borough; and sold by Robinsons, Paternoster-Row ; Dilly, in t…

A guide to health; being cautions and directions in the treatment of diseases. Designed chiefly for…
printed for Cox, St. Thomas's-Street, Borough; and sold by Robinsons, Paternoster-Row ; Dilly, in t…

A guide to health; being cautions and directions in the treatment of diseases. Designed chiefly for…
printed for Cox, St. Thomas's-Street, Borough; and sold by Robinsons, Paternoster-Row ; Dilly, in t…

A new collection of medical prescriptions, distributed into twelve classes, And accompanied with Ph…
printed for R. Baldwin, jun. Pater-Noster Row

The plain English dispensatory: containing the natural history and medicinal virtues of the princip…
printed by H. Kent, for the author

The plain English dispensatory: containing the natural history and medicinal virtues of the princip…
printed by H. Kent, for the author

Periodical division of the cures effectuated by the virtues of the Antiputrid Water, extracted from…

The new dispensatory: containing I. The theory and practice of pharmacy. II. A distribution of medi…
printed for J. Nourse, opposite Catharine Street in the Strand

The new dispensatory: containing I. The theory and practice of pharmacy. II. A distribution of medi…
printed for J. Nourse, opposite Catharine Street in the Strand

The new dispensatory: containing I. The theory and practice of pharmacy. II. A distribution of medi…
printed for J. Nourse, opposite Catharine Street in the Strand

The new dispensatory: containing I. The theory and practice of pharmacy. II. A distribution of medi…
printed for J. Nourse, opposite Catharine Street in the Strand

The new dispensatory: containing I. The theory and practice of pharmacy. II. A distribution of medi…
printed for J. Nourse, opposite Catharine Street in the Strand

The new dispensatory: containing I. The theory and practice of pharmacy. II. A distribution of medi…
printed for J. Nourse, opposite Catharine Street in the Strand

The new dispensatory: containing I. The theory and practice of pharmacy. II. A distribution of medi…
printed for J. Nourse, opposite Catharine Street in the Strand

The new dispensatory: containing I. The theory and practice of pharmacy. II. A distribution of medi…
printed for J. Nourse, opposite Catharine Street in the Strand