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A catalogue of the genuine library of Mr. Thomas Allen Barnard, late of Hatton Street, deceased; consisting of an extensive collection of Books, in most arts and sciences, particularly in History, Voyages, Coins and Medals, Painting, Poetry, Divinity, &c. a great Number of Ancient and Modern English Dramatic Writers, a very fine Missal, with several Books of Emblems, and other Prints, which will be sold by auction, by T. and J. Egerton, booksellers, at their room, in Scotland Yard, opposite the Admiralty, on Wednesday, the 15th of April, 1789, and the Seven following Days. To be viewed on Monday, April 13th, and to the Sale, which will begin each Day punctually at Twelve O'Clock. Catalogues may be had at the Place of Sale: Mr. Debrett, Piccadilly; Mr. L. Davis, Holborn; Mr. Owen, Temple-Bar; Mr. Sewell, Cornhill; and of Mess, Egerton, Whitehall.
Literature and Language
[London ]