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A treatise of ecclesiastical benefices and revenues. Containing, among other very curious Particulars, I. That the Church hath been taught the Manner of Possessing and Administring her Temporals, by Jesus Christ. II. That Ecclesiasticks become too greedy in acquiring Estates, and that their Avarice ought to be restrained. III. That the Bishops becoming Judges in Civil Affairs, neglect to teach the Doctrine of Christ. IV. The Original of Tythes, whether of Divine or Human Right. V. The Original Government of the Church Democratical. VI. Detestable Popes and prophane Bishops described. Vii. The Usurpations of several Bishops upon the Temporals of Princes. Viii. The Original of Commendams, &c. Written originally in Italian, by the learned Father Paul, Author of the History of the Council of Trent. Translated by Tobias Jenkins Esq; Late Member of Parliament, and Lord Mayor of York. And Illustrated with Notes by Him, and from the ingenious Amelot De La Houssaye. The third edition. To which is prefixed, (never before printed) the life of Father Paul, by Mr. Lockman. And a Preface, giving an Account of the Work.
Sarpi, Paolo (1552-1623)
Religion and Philosophy
printed for Olive Payne, at Horace's Head, in Round Court, opposite York-Buildings in the Strand; and Joseph Fox, at the Half-Moon and Seven-Stars, in Westminster-Hall