Ornament Details
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A catalogue of a small but genuine and really curious collection of British coins, With some few, singular, and well-preserved Roman small brass; particularly, Of the Emperor Carausius, and Allectus: Also a few English coins: likewise Some Fragments of Urns, Patera's, Fibula's, &c. actually found within the Bounds of that once famous City of Dorchester, in Oxfordshire, the Property of that assiduous and diligent Preserver of Antiquities, Thomas Saywell; which will be sold by auction, By Mr. Gerard, At his House in Litchfield-Street, St. Ann's, Soho, On Wednesday, the 26th of January, 1774. - To be view'd on Tuesday the 25th, and 'till the Time of Sale; which will begin at Half an Hour after Eleven O'Clock precisely. - Catalogues to be had, gratis, at Mr. Gerard's aforesaid.