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The whole tryal and indictment of Sir John Barley-Corn, Knight. A Person of Noble Birth and Extraction, and well known to be both Rich and Poor throughout the Kingdom of Great-Britain: Being accused for several Misdemeanours by him committed against Her Majesty's Liege-People; by Killing some, Wounding others, and bringing Thousands to Beggary, to the Ruin of many a good Family. Here you have the Substance of the Evidence given in against him on his Tryal, with the Names of the Judges, Jury, and Witnesses: Also, the Comical Defence Sir John makes for himself, and the good Character given him by some of his Neighbours; namely, Hewson the Cobler, an honest Friend to Sir John, who is Entom'd as a Memorandum at the Two-Brewers in East-Smithfield. Taken in short-hand by Timothy Toss-Pot, foreman of the jury.
Robins, Thomas (fl. 1672-1685)
Literature and Language
printed for J. Dutton, near Fleetstreet