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A plain, earnest address to all professing Christians, duly to consider what they are by nature, and what they must be by grace, before they can be saved. Under the following Heads: I. Of Original Sin, and its dreadful Fruits and Effects, as the Cause of all actual Sin and Misery in Man. II. The Necessity, Nature, and Effects of Regeneration, or being born again of the Spirit of God. III. Of believing in Christ for our whole Salvation. IV. The Necessity of Sanctification as a Meetness for Heaven, and the great Danger of resting on a Seeming, or false Conversion. To which is added, a prayer, Which will serve for a Family, or Private Person, for Morning and Evening. Also, a letter found amongst the papers of the author after his decease.
Glover, John (1714-1774)
Religion and Philosophy
printed by J. Crouse and W. Stevenson