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The universal pocket companion: being a more useful, instructive, comprehensive, and complete book, than any of the like kind, ever yet published. Containing, among many other necessary and entertaining particulars, I. A geographical description of the world; with an Account of the different Parts thereof, and a Map of the whole. II. A Description and Map of England; shewing the Number of Counties, Cities, Bishopricks, Boroughs, Market-Towns, Parishes, &c. III. London describ'd; with an Account of the several Wards, Parishes, Hills, Colleges, Churches, and whatever is remarkable, and a Plan of the same. IV. An Account of the several incorporated Companies in London; with the Prices of Carpenters, Bricklayers, Plaisterers and Painters Work, &c. V. An Account of the General and Penny Post. VI. An Account of all the Stage-Coaches and Carriers in England; with the Inns they put up at, and the Days they go out on. Vii. A List of places at Court, the several Salaries thereof, and in whose gift and disposal they are. Viii. The four Rules of Arithmetick explained in the most easy and practical manner; a short Account of Arts and Sciences; a brief Chronology of remarkable Things from the Beginning of the World to the Death of Julius Caesar, and an Abridgment of the History of England, with an Account of the Monarchs thereof. IX. The Gardener's Kalendar, for every Month in the Year; with a perpetual Almanack. X. A Table, shewing at one View, the Value of any Goods, Wards, or Merchand sc, by the Pound, Yard, Gallon, &c. at any Price, from a Farthing to twenty Shillings. XI. A Table, and twenty-five Geometrical Problems, with their assigned Figures, applied to Mensuration, Gauging Surveying, &c. XII. A Table, shewing the Discounts on Goods imported, from a Farthing and upwards. XIII. A Table of Salaries and Wages, shewing what any yearly sum amounts to, by the Month, Week or Day. XIV. A Table of Interest for any Number of Days, at any Rate. XV. The rates and fares of coachmen, Carmen, and Watermen; with their Rules and Restrictions. The whole designed for the use, convenience, and benefit of all Persons whatever.
Social Sciences
printed for J. and J. Fox, R. Ware, C. Hitch, T. Astley, J. Hodges, C. Ward, E. Withers, J. Osborne, B. Dod, and T. Harris