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A catalogue of the duplicate prints in the collection of the late Jonathan Blackburne, Esq; Of Liverpool, Deceased; Many of which are the finest Impressions, by the following great Masters; Rubens, Rembrandt, Marc Antonio, Teniers, Visscher, &c. Also, His Library of Books, including, among others equally valuable, the following; viz. Folio. Dugdale's Warwickshire, 2 vols. Morocco, 1730 Wheeler's Travels, large paper, in Russia Shakespeare's Works, ditto, ditto Quarto. Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, with the Catalogue of Engravers, 5 vols. Strawberry Hill, 1771 Hanmer's Shakespeare, 6 vols. Oxf. 1744. Pilkington's Dictionary of Painters, 1770 Octavo. Grainger's Biographical History of England, 4 vols. 1775 Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, 5 vols. 1782 Annual Register, 10vols. Baskerville's Common Prayer, in Morocco Which, by Order of the Executors, will be Sold by auction, By Mr. Hutchins, At his Rooms in King-Street, and Hart-Street, Covent Garden, On Tuesday, the 4th of April 1786, and the following Evening, at Six O'Clock. To be viewed on Monday the 3d. Catalogues may be had of Mr. Hutchins, No 41, King-Street, Covent-Garden: Who fixes a Valuation on Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Effects of all Sorts, in Town or Country; and the Value, if required, immediately given for the same.
Hutchins, Mr. (Hassil), (fl. 1779-1789)
Fine Arts
[London ]