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A catalogue of near twenty thousand volumes, of the best books in all parts of learning, in Greek, Latin, French, Italian and English: Containing several curious libraries, lately purchased. Amongst which are the following: Folio. Clarendon's Hist. and Life, 4 vol. L. P. Heads of illust. Men, L. P. 1st Impress. State Tryals, 8 vol. Whitlocke's Memorials, best edit. Madoxe's Exchequer and Index, 2 v. Turkey Rushworth's Collections, 8 vol. Dugdale's Monasticon, 3 vol. Hogarth's Works, compleat. Rapin and Tindal's Continuation, 4 vol. Gibson's Cambden, 2 vol. Horseley's Britannia Romana Stukeley's Itinerary Temple's Works, 2 vol. l. paper Chauncy's Hertfordshire Platonis Opera, Gr. Lat. Serrani, 3 t. Polybius Casauboni Euripides, Barnesii Plutarch, Xylandri, 2 tom. Demosthenes, Wolsii Josephus Havercampi, 2 tom. Diodor. Siculus, Wesseling. 2 tom. Dion Cassius, Reimari, 2 tom. Aristophanes, Kusteri Athenaeus, Casauboni Pausanias, Khunii Louvre Classics, 4 vol. Turkey Boyle's Works, 5 vol. Bacon's Works, 3 vol. L. P. in Russia Harris's Voyages, by Campbell, 2 vol. Churchill's Voyages, 6 vol. Norden's Travels, 2 vol. Pocock's Travels, 2 vol. Russia Folio. Antiquit. par Montsaucon, 15 t. gr. pap. L'art de Gueire, par Puysegur, 2 t. Par. Davila Hist Civil di Francia, 2 t. Dictionaries, viz Ainsworth, 2 v. Bayle, 5 v -General, 10 v -Postlethwayte, 2 v. -Chambers and Suppl 4 vol. -Johnson, 2 v -Calmet, 3 vol. - Miller's-Bailey by Scott-Somner's Saxon-Davis's Welch. Golii Lex Arab Du Fresne Glossar. Lat. 6 t. Cor. Russ. Pitischi Lex Antiq Roman. 2 t. Hoffmanni Lexic 4 tom. Dictionnaire de Bayle, 5 tom. Par. -de Morreri, 8 tom. ... Russ. -de Richelet, 3 tom. - de Menage, 2 tom. Diccionar Castellena, 6 tom. Vocabolario della Crusea, 6 tom. Clarke's Works, 4 vol L. P. Russia The same, 4 vol. sin. pap. Taylor's Heb. Concordance, 2 vol. Cay's Statutes at Large, 6 vol. - Abridg. Statutes, 2 vol. Mac Dowal's Institutes. 3 vol. Coke's Institutes, 2 vol. best Peere Williams, 3 vol. Catesby's Carolina, 2 vol. Hill's Nat. History, 3 vol. Hippocrates et Galen, a Charterii, cum sig. 13 tom. Medicae Artis Principes, 2 tom. Which will be sold (for Ready Money only) the Prices printed in the Catalogue, on Monday, Feb. 11, 1760, and continue on Sale till Lady-Day. By Thomas Payne, Bookseller, Next the Mews-Gate, in Castle Street, St. Martin's. Catalogues to be had (price 6 d) at the following Booksellers, viz. Mr. Ward's, Cornhill; H. Payne, Pater-Noster Row; Lewis, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; Owen, Temple-Bar; Robson (late Brindley's) New Bond-Steet; Jackson, St. James's-Street; Walter, Charing-Cross; Mess. Merril's and Matthews at Cambridge; at Child's Coffee-House, St. Paul's Church yard; and at the Place of Sale.
Payne, Thomas (1752-1831)
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