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The candid disputant: or, the dissenting gentleman's monthly instructor. Calculated for the improvement of all virtuous, charitable, and well-dispos'd minds. Containing An Account of the Lives and Works of the most eminent Persons of that Denomination. Ecclesiastical History from the Time of the Apostles to the present Age. Polemical Divinity. Christian Ethicks. The Debates of disputing Societies in and about this City, on moral, political, and divine Topicks. The only Methods for Establishing a general Concord and Agreement among Protestant Dissenters. Serious Advice to those who are Candidates for the Sacred Function. The Life and Death of Jesus the Son of God. The Reasonableness of the Christian System, with the Evidences of its divine Original. Dissertations on the miraculous Powers which subsisted in the Church in the first Ages of Christianity; with impartial Reflections on the Writings of the Bishop of London, and the late Dr. Middleton. Various Passages of sacred Writ translated from the Original Languages. Occasional Letters. Poetry. Miscellaneous Pieces, and other valuable and entertaining Particulars.
Literature and Language
printed for J. Noon, at the White-Hart, in Cheapside; and E. Withers, at the Seven Stars, next the Inner Temple Gate, Fleet-Street