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The man of business, and gentleman's assistant: containing a treatise of practical arithmetic, Including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, in which are Inserted, Many Concise and Valuable Rules, for the Ready Casting up of Merchandize, Never yet published in this Kingdom; book-keeping by single and double entry, The former upon an entire New Plan, Comprising A modern and approved Method of keeping Small Accompts, Dr. and Cr. in the Waste-Book only, Calculated for the Ease and Advantage of Retail Traders; Together with an essay on English grammar. Adapted to the Use of Gentlemen, Merchants, Traders, and Schools, By W. Perry, Master of the Academy at Kelso.
Perry, William, lecturer in the Academy at Edinburgh
Social Sciences
printed for the author, by David Willison: and sold by J. Murray, No. 32, Fleetstreet, London; J. Bell, Edinburgh; D. Baxter, Glasgow; T. Slack and W. Charnley, Newcastle; A. Graham, Alnwick; J. Richardson, Berwick; and G. Elliot, Kelso