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A catalogue of scarce and valuable books, In Fine Condition, collected in the Summer from many of the principal towns in Flanders and Holland; to which is added, the library of the Rev. Mr. Giffard, prebend of Norwich, and late of Stoke, near Guildford in Surry, Containing Near Ten Thousand Volumes in all Arts and Sciences, in Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, and Oriental Languages; particularly a choice Collection of Historians, Memoirs, Letters, Novels and Romances, in French. Amongst which are the following: Folio. Biblia Heb. Buxtorsii, 4 vol. Concord. Bib. M. Calasio, Ed. Romaine, 4 vol. Hug. Grotii Op. omnia, 5 v. Alcoran Marracii, 2 v. Plutarchi op. om. Gr. Lat. Ed. opt. 2 v. Plato Ficini Gr. Lat. Ed. opt. Demosihenes, Gr. Lat. Wolffii Ed. opt. Herodotus G. L. Gronov. Gale, Steph. Athenaei, Gr. Lat. Ed. opt. Dion. Cassii, Ed. opt. Gr. Lat. Rim. 2 v. Plinii Hist. Harduini Mag. Ch. 3 v. Vir gilii de la Cerda, 3 v. ... 4 v. Mediobarbi Biragi nmismat. Vaillant numismat. 6 v. Hub. Goltzii numismat. 5 v. Corpus de Byzantinae Hist. 25 v. Thuani Hist. a Carte. 7 v. Bocharti Op. omnia, 3 v. Ptolemai Geograph. Bertii, Ed. opt. Barthii Adversaria Corpus Juris Civlis Goth. Esz. Morison Hist. Plant. mag. Ch. 2 v. Raii Hist. Plant. mag. Ch. 3 v. Cowper Anatomiae Corp. Human. Simplicii Com. in Aristotel. Phys. G. Hossmanni Op. omnia, 8 tom. 4 v. Les Antiq. de Montfaucon, 15 v. Desgodetz Antiq. de Rome Herbelot Biblioth. Orientale Corps Diplomatique, ... 2 v. l. P. Turnbull on Painting, l. P. Campbel's Vitruvins, 3 v. Religious Ceremonies, 6 v. l. P. Chambers's Dictionary, 2 v. Harris's Voyages, 2 v. Locke 3 v. Boyle, 5 v. Rycaut's Turkish H. 3 v. Tacitus, 2 v. Thurloe's Papers, 7 v. Pope's Homer, 11 v. Bayle's Dictionary, 5 v. Milton, 2 v. Giannone Hist. Napoli, 4 v. 4 to. Which will begin to be sold this day (very cheap) the lowest Prices being printed in the Catalogue, by Thomas Wilcox, at Virgil's Head, Over-Against the New Church in the Strand. Of whom may be had the full Value for any Library or Parcel of Books; also Books exchanged. Catalogues to be had at the Place of Sale.
Wilcox, Thomas, bookseller
Literature and Language