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The most notable antiquity of Great Britain, Vulgarly called Stone-Heng, on Salisbury Plain, restored, By Inigo Jones, Esq; Architect General to the King. To which are added, The Chorea Gigantum, or, Stone-Heng Restored to the Danes, By Doctor Charleton; and Mr. Webb's Vindication of Stone-Heng Restored, In Answer to Dr. Charleton's Reflections; with Observations upon the Orders and Rules of Architecture in Use among the Antient Romans. Before the whole are prefixed, Certain Memoirs relating to the Life of Inigo Jones; With his Effigics, Engrav'd by Hollar; as also Dr. Charleton's, by P. Lombart; and four new Views of Stone-Heng, in its present Situation: With above twenty other Copper-Plates, and a compleat Index to the entire Collection.
Jones, Inigo (1573-1652)
Fine Arts
printed [by James Bettenham?] for D. Browne junior, at the Black-Swan without Temple-Bar, and J. Woodman and D. Lyon, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden