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A catalogue of all that grand and noble collection of Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch pictures, of a nobleman Brought from his Lordships Seat in Nottinghamshire, Consisting of the Works of the following great Masters, Primaticcio, L. Da Vinci, An. De Sarto, Tintoret, Guido, ... Lanfranc, A. Sacohi, S. Rosa, P. Laura, D. Fetti, N. and G. Poussin, Holbein, Rubens, Vandyck, Snyders, Teniers, Swaneveldt, Wovermans, J. Miel. Cuyp, Weenix, Hondecoater, Berghem. Together with an elegant Cabinet, representing the Temple of Love, with the Attributes and Emblems, elaborately embost in Silver. The above have been collected by his Lordship and noble Father during the Course of a great Number of Years with great Speculation and vast Expence. Which will be sold by auction, By Mr. Christie, At his Great Room next Cumberland House, and that, late the Royal Academy, in Pall Mall, On Friday, March 20, 1772, and four following Days, Sunday excepted. Catalogues may be had as above.
Christie, Mr. (James), (1730-1803)
Fine Arts
[London ]