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The harmony and agreement of the collects, epistles, and gospels, as they stand in the Book of Common-Prayer, from the first Sunday in Advent, to the last Sunday after Trinity. In which is shewn From the first Sunday in Advent, to Trinity-Sunday, what Relation they bear to their respective Times and Seasons; and from Trinity-Sunday to Advent, how they agree with each other. Proper to be bound up with the Common-Prayer, and looked into every Sunday, and Holyday herein taken Notice of, and compared with the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel of the Day. By Henry Bourne, M. A. Curate of All-Hallows, in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Bourne, Henry (1696-1733)
Religion and Philosophy
printed by John White, for the author, and sold by Mr. Byson in Newcastle, Mr. Waghorn in Durham, and by the booksellers, in London and York
Newcastle upon Tyne