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Merchants accounts: or, the Italian method of book-keeping. Set forth in so clear a Light, that any Person, of a tolerable Capacity, may easily make himself Master thereof. Exemplified in Thirty-Seven Cases in Domestic Trade, and Nineteen in Foreign, and plann'd By a Waste-Book, Journal, and Ledger; So that any young Merchant or Accountant may, if he's at a Loss how to place any Transaction in Business to Account, by looking amongst the Cases, find one answerable to his own Business at any Time transacted; and, by inspecting the Journal for the same Case, will immediately find by it how that Transaction ought to be placed to Account; there being feldom or ever any Thing happening in Business, but what will be illustrated by some one of the said Cases. Herein are also contained, Sixteen Cases in Company Accounts, Shewing how to place any Thing to Account, whether bought, sold, or barter'd for, &c. in Company. Also gentlemen's accounts, Shewing How to keep their Rentals, their Receipts, and Payments, in every Kind; and also how to draw up a general Balance at any Time, which shall prove their Rentals to have been regularly kept, the Arrears truly made out, and all Receipts and Payments duly entered, or c countra. By Thomas Lazonby, Schoolmaster, Of Burton-Agnes, in Yorkshire; Where young Persons may be bearded and indiuiled in what is bere in rectial, also in any of the most useful Branches in Mathematicks.
Lazonby, Thomas
Social Sciences
printed for the author, by N. Nickson, in Cossee-Yard; and sold by Messrs. Stabler and Barstow, Booksellers, in Ouse-Gate; and also by J. Hodges, Bookseller, in Fleet-Street, London