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Practical lectures on education, spiritual and temporal; Extracted from the most eminent Authors on that Subject. Containing Every particular Requisite that concerns the Education of a Gentleman, and Man of Business: With proper Advice in regard to the Female Sex; in order to cultivate the Minds of Youth with the Love of Virtue and Learning; thereby to enable them to discharge properly that Duty incumbent on them to their Creator, their Parents, and the World. Also, Observations on a private and publick Education; with some proper Directions to the several Teachers in the English and Writing Schools; which the Editor, by long Experience, is sensible cannot fail of raising in the Minds of Youth an Emulation so; Learning. Necessary for all Parents to have in their Families. To which are annexed 32 Pages of moral and entertaining Sentences, in Prose and Verse; on Virtue, Religion, Wisdom, Learning, Industry, Frugality, Honesty, &c. &c. &c. proper for Youth either to transcribe, or study by way of Evening Task. By J. Girrard, W. M. &c. in Exeter.
Girrard, J.
Social Sciences
printed by Andrew Brice, for the editor; and sold by Messrs. Score and Thorn, Booksellers, in Exeter; Mr. Gould, Bookseller, in Dorchester; John Trownson, Bookseller, in Totness; Thomas Tremlett, in Dartmouth; and James Michel, Bookseller, in Penzance