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Cursing no argument of sincerity: or, an answer to a tract, entituled, A vindication of the Roman Catholicks, being Their most solemn Declaration of their utter Abhorrence of the following Tenets, vulgarly laid at their Door: Who do hereby oblige themselves, that if the ensuing Curses be added to those appointed to be read on the First Day of Lent in the Liturgy of the Church of England, as by Law establish'd, they will seriously and heartily answer Amen to them all. N. B. The Whole of the Tract, entituled, A Vindication, is inserted in this Answer. By William Primatt, M. A. Rector of a Mediety of West-Walton in Norfolk, and Chaplain to the Right Reverend, Isaac, Lord Bishop of Worcester.
Primatt, William (1701 or 2-1770)
Religion and Philosophy
printed by M. Chase; and sold by J. and P. Knapton, Booksellers in London; W. Thurlbourn, Bookseller in Cambridge; and the booksellers in Norwich