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The practice of perspective: or, an easy method of representing natural objects according to the rules of art. Applied and exemplified in all the variety of cases; as Landskips, Gardens, Buildings of divers Kinds, their Appendages, Parts, Furniture, &c. With Rules for the Proportions, Positions, &c. Figures, both in Draught and Relievo. Also the Manner of conducting the Shadows by divers Luminaries; and Practical Methods of Designing truly, without understanding any Rules at all, A Work highly necessary for Painters, Engravers, Architects, Embroiderers, Statuaries, Jewellers, Tapestry-Workers. And others concerned in Designing. The whole illustrated with one hundred and fifty copper-plates. Written in French by a Jesuit of Paris; since translated into German, by Ch. Rembold; and into English, by Rob. Pricke: and now, a second time, into the same language, by E. Chambers.
Dubreuil, Jean (1602-1670)
Fine Arts
printed for Tho. Bowles, Print and Map-Seller in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and John Bowles, Print and Map-Seller in Cornhill