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A catalogue of a select and valuable collection of ancient and modern books, in various languages. Containing, A considerable Number of very rare and curious Articles in the finest Condition. Also, An extensive Assortment of the best Modern Books in the most elegant Bindings. Including the Libraries of the late J. Mainwaring, M. D. an eminent Civilian, and a celebrated Collector, deceased. Among others equally curious are, Caxton's Game of Chesse. Caxton's Chaucer. Caxton's Cato. Caxton's Alain Chartier. Caxton's Catharine of Senes. Caxton's Bull of Pope Innocent for the Marriage of Henry Vii. and Elizabeth of York. several by Wynken de Worde, Pynson, Maclinia, and other early Printers. Books printed on Vellum. Books printed at Strawberry-Hill. Sir William Dugdain's Works. Most of the scarce English Topographical Histories. Early English Poetry. Chronicles, by Froissart, Higden, Hollinshed, Hall, Grafton, Fabian, &c. Romans de Chevalerie de la Table ronde Illuminated Missals and Mss. Mss. on English History and Antiquities. Buffon's Birds, coloured, 5 vol. Morocco. Hill's Vegetable System, coloured, 26 vol. Merian's Surinam Insects, coloured. Knorr's Shells, coloured. Martyn's Shells, painted. Lister's Shells, orig. edit. large paper. Hamilton's Sicilies, coloured, 3 vol. - Etruscan Vases, coloured, 4 vol. Antiquities of Herculaneum, 7 vol. Voyages Pittoresques de la Grece, de Naples, de France, de Sicile, de Suisse, &c. 18 vol. Houbraken's Heads, large paper. Perrault Hommes Illustres, lar. pap. Vandyke's Heads. Claude's Drawings, Proofe. Pilastres of the Vatican, coloured. Cielings of the Vatican, coloured. Oeuvres de Buffon, 33 vol. complets. - de Voltaire, 30 vol. - de Rousseau, 30 vol. Tasso, 3 vol: 4 to. par Didot. Which will begin to be sold, for Ready Money, at the Prices fixed in the Catalogue, and marked in the first Leaf of each Book, in May 1787, at Edwards's, No. 102, Pall-Mall. - The full Value given for any Library or Parcel of Books. Catalogues to be had of Mr. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Church-Yard, and at the Place of Sale; also at Edwards's, Halifax.
Edwards, James (fl. 1799)
Literature and Language
[London ]