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A catalogue, of coins, medals, bronzes, pictures, Prints, Drawings, Books, &c. &c. Part I. describing the coins and medals in cabinet a, with the prices affixed. In the Numismatical Part of this Museum will be found many of the Rarest Coins, in the Graecian, Roman, Saxon, English and Scotch series, in the finest preservation, With several Choice and Curious Pattern Pieces by Briot, Simon, &c. Also the chief part of the Extensive, Valuable, and well Selected Cabinets of the late Nathaniel Roe, Esq. Together with the Collections of some other judicious Antiquarians, which are now selling By William Stevenson, Market-Place, Norwich, Who Buys and Sells on Commission or Exchange, Arranges, Catalogues, and Values, Coins, Medals, &c. on the most Liberal Terms.
Stevenson, William (ca. 1719-1783)
Fine Arts
printed by Stevenson and Matchett. And may be had of Mr. Lunn, No. 332, Oxford-Street, London, and the booksellers in Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, and Cambridgeshire