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Repertorium ecclesiasticum parochiale Londinense: = an ecclesiastical parochial history of the diocese of London: Containing an Account Of the Bishops of that Sea, from the first Foundation thereof: also, Of the Deans, Archdeacons, Dignitaries and Prebendaries, from the Conquest: and lastly, Of the several Parish-Churches, as well Exempt as not Exempt, within the Limits of that Diocese, and of their Patrons and Incumbents: And also the Endowments of several Vicarages: And likewise of the several Religious Houses that were within the same; continu'd to the Year of our Lord, MDCC. In an Alphabetical Order. By Ric. Newcourt, Notary Publick; One of the Procurators-General of the Arches-Court of Canterbury, who lately executed the Office of Principal Registrary of the said Diocese, for near Twenty Seven Years.
Newcourt, Richard (d. 1716)
Religion and Philosophy
printed by Benj. Motte, and are to be sold by Chr. Bateman, Benj. Tooke, Ric. Parker, Jon. Bowyer and Hen. Clements