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Un-Episcopal ordination and baptism null and void. Together with the reasonableness and necessity of the clergy's refusing burial, and denying the Eucharist to un-episcopally baptiz'd persons, and Adult Dissenters. Prov'd from the Articles, Canons, and Rubricks of the Church of England. Being a Defence of a Letter to the Reverend Mr. Cantrell, against the Remarks made upon it in a late Book, Entitul'd, The Validity of Baptism administred by Dissenting Ministers, and the unreasona bleness of refusing Burial to Children so Baptiz'd, farther argued from the Judgment and Practice of the Church of England. By Ferdinando Shaw, M. A. (as he stiles himself) a Dissenting Teacher in Derby. By Higgins Harris, A. B. Curate of St. Peter's Derby.
printed by William Ayscough and sold by J. Hodges Bookseller in Derby