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Notice is hereby given, That on Wednesday the 9th Day of May next will be held at Beverley aforesaid, a Market for the Sale of all Sorts of Cattle, Sheep, and Swine, which the Farmers and others in the Neighbourhood have requested, and intend to bring in their fat Cattle, &c. N. B. This Market will be held on the Wednesday before Old May Day, in every Year from this Time. Also the following Markets will be held every Year within the said Town, viz. On Wednesday before New Holy Rood, or the 14th Day of September, a Market for Wool, and all kinds of Cattle and Swine. Also, on the First Wednesday after the 25th Day of December, a Market for all kinds of Cattle and Swine. And on Wednesday before the 5th Day of April, or Old Lady Day, a Market for all kinds of Cattle, Sheep and Swine. N. B. All other Markets and Fairs, will be kept on the usual Days.
Social Sciences
printed by J. Rawson, and Son