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The perjured lover, or the history of Thomas Beaumont, an Oxford student, and Miss Lucia Bannister, Shewing How after the Death of her Father, she was under the Guardianship of Mr. Slyman, who wishing to get her Fortune, (which was Five Thousand Pounds) into his Possession, courted and married her Mother, and in a short Time, by cruel Usage, broke her Heart. Miss Lucia becomes acquainted with Mr. Friendly, has many Suitors, but none of them succeed in her good Graces, as her Fortune seems to be their only Object. Mr. Beaumont, a Relation of Mr. Friendly's, arrives from the University, his agreeable Conversation engages Lucia, he writes to her, and takes every Method which Cunning can make use of to ruin her; he leave her after many Protestations to marry her, but in the End totally forsakes her. She proves with Child, her Father-in-Law dies after having squandered away her Fortune at a Gaming Table, Lucia takes Lodgings in London, is delivered of a Boy, which is got into the Foundling Hospital. Lucia takes to drinking; dies of a Consumption; and Beaumont having got a Commission in the Army, is killed in a drunken Brawl, and confesses it is Divine Justice for having been guilty of Seduction and Perjury. To which is added, original letters found after the death of Lucia, in a box, in her apartments.
Literature and Language
printed and sold by T. Sabine, at No. 81, Shoe Lane, Fleet-Street