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The proceedings of J. Hewitt, alderman, and one of his Majesty's justices of the peace, for the city and county of Coventry, in the year 1756. Being a particular account of the gang of coiners, apprehended in the Counties of Oxford, Warwick, and Stafford, pursued by the Author; Nine of whom were committed to the Goal of this City; part of whom were Tried, Convicted, and Executed there in 1756: With Abstracts from their Letters, Papers, &c. found upon them from their several Agents, and Accomplices, both Abroad and in different Parts of this Kingdom. Their principal Agents who made large Sums will be pointed out; the Cause they owed their Escape from the Punishments due to their Crimes will be stated, and their several Connections with the Lancashire and Yorkshire Coiners, of whom Thomas Lightowller was a particular Instructor, will be set forth. The extraordinary adventures of the said Thomas Lightowller, The greatest mechanical Genius of his Time; Who escaped from this Kingdom, when Stell, and others of that numerous of Gang Yorkshire Coiners, were Apprehended, and Committed to York Castle. Thomas Lightowller was lately in the Service of the Emperess Queen at Vienua, and had a Pension of 300l. per Annum. In two books. Book I.
Hewitt, John (1719-1802)
Social Sciences
printed for the author