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Survey of the ancient and present state of the Scilly Islands: describing their Situation. Towns. Forts. Produce. Government. Customs. Antiquities. Number. Churches. Harbours. Language. Arts. Manufactures. House Burnings. Extent. Castles. Soil. Religion. Traffick. Grants. Shipwrecks. The Importance of these Islands To the Trade and Navigation of Great Britain and Ireland; their many admirable Curiosities, both Natural and Artificial; the most remarkable Events, Accidents, and Revolutions in past Ages. Also Directions for Ships to go into their different Harbours: likewise how to avoid The many dangerous Rocks, sunken Ledges, and Shoals, about the Islands. Carefully extracted, and compiled, not only from the most esteemed Historians extant, but also from the Observations of the most skilful Pilots, and other intelligent Inhabitants. A Work very necessary for such Seafaring People as come near the dangerous Rocks of Scilly, and entertaining to all Degrees of Readers. By John Troutbeck, Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Leeds.
printed and sold by Goadby and Lerpiniere. Sold also by F. and C. Rivington, No. 62, St. Paul's Church-Yard, London