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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament, With References to other Parts of the Scripture, but especially to the New Testament, which are placed at length in an opposite Column. To which are added, Observations of the Bishop of Sodor and Man thereupon. Also a map of the Travels of the Children of Israel through the Red-Sea, and the Wilderness, into the Holy Land, wherein the Distance in Miles between each Encampment is set down. II. An Essay for composing a harmony between the Psalms and the New Testament; wherein the Supplicatory and Prophetick Parts of this Sacred Book are disposed under proper Heads. III. The Harmony of the Four Gospels, wherein the different Manner of relating the Facts by each Evangelist is exemplified. To which are annexed, References to other Parts of the Scriptures, with the History of the Acts of the Apostles. Inscribed to The Founders, Benefactors, and Trustees of the Charity Schools, in and about the Cities of London and Westminster, and Bills of Mortality. By the Honourable Edward Harley, Esq; their Chairman. ...
Harley, Edward (1664-1735)
Religion and Philosophy
sold by Messieurs Ward and Wicksteed, in the Inner-Temple Lane