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headpiece, flowers, birds

A serious inquiry whether a late epistle from the Rev. Mr. Charles Wesley to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley be not An evident Mark of their being unhappily fallen into one of the most crafty and most dangerous Wiles of the Devil, for the Delusion of many innocent, unthinking Christians; by inducing their Hearers to have too high an Opinion of Them, as the peculiar Servants of God, and Apostles sent by Him to save an apostate, sinking Church, and encouraging them utterly to contemn their own Regular pastors, set over them by the Providence of God, whom they by their false Insinuations represent as Apostates from the Church of England, and the true Church of Christ; by Christophilus, An Humble Christian.
Religion and Philosophy
Printed for the author;-and sold by the book-sellers in England and Wales, and by the men who carry the news