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A catalogue of the curious and valuable cabinet of coins and medals, Greek and Roman, in gold, silver, and brass, among which are The Twelve Caesars in Gold, in the highest Preservation; upwards of Four Thousand Silver consular, and several other exceeding scarce medals, as well Ancient as Modern; and some few English: Amounting in the whole to near Four Thousand. Likewise A small Collection of rare Shells, and other Natural Curiosities; a fine Gold enamell'd Watch by Petitoe; several antique Rings, Bustos, Intaglios, and Cameas; a Parcel of very curious Pastes, taken from the grav'd Stones in the King of France's Cabinet by the late Regent himself; a small Library of valuable Books of Medals, Antiquities, Mathematicks, Physicks, &c. Several choice pictures, by Rembrant, and other eminent Masters: A beautiful Mocoa Snuff-Box with the Figure of a Stag, set in Gold, and enrich'd with Brilliants and Rubies; together with several other Curiosities. The whole being the entire Collection of Mr. Joseph Sedgwick. Which will be Sold by Auction by Mr. Ford, At his Great Room at Raphael's-Head in the Hay Market, on Tuesday the 13th of this Instant (march) and the following Days. The said Collection will be exhibited to publick View on Friday the 9th, and the following Days, (sunday excepted) till the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day exactly at Half an Hour after Eleven O'Clock. Catalogues to be had at Mr. Ford's, Price 6d. which shall be return'd to those that are Purchasers. N. B. The fixing a Price on the Catalogue, is not with any Intention to impose on the Curious, but to prevent their being squander'd away to those who can make no proper Use of them.
Ford, Mr (fl. 1741-1757)
Fine Arts
[London ]