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Strictures on modern languages: shewing their usefulness to individuals, to nations, and particularly to the fair sex. To which is added, an essay on the present modes of teaching; and also, a plan of an original work, now in great forwardness, clearly pointing out the facility with which the fluency of speech may be acquired. Who, who would live, my Narva, just to breathe This idle air, and indolently run, Day after day, the still returning round Of life's mean offices, and sickly joys? But, in the service of mankind, to be A guardian god below---still to employ The mind's brave ardour in heroic aims, Such as may raise us o'er the grov'ling herd, And make us shine for ever!---that is life. Humbly dedicated to Mrs. Crewe of Crewe-Hall, by J. E. Parisot de St. Marie.
Parisot de St. Marie, J. E.
Literature and Language
printed by J. Fletcher