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Heroic virtue: or, the noble sufferers. Exemplified in the illustrious lives, and surprizing adventures of several noblemen and ladies. (viz.) Don Lopez and Tereza ; the Count de Hautville and Emilia. &c. &c. Who were Shipwreck'd on a desolate Island on the Coast of China; the astonishing Discoveries they made there, and their wonderful Escape from thence. An Account of their being taken Captives at Sea by the Algerine Pirates, who carried them into Slavery, where they met with several Persons of Quality in the same unhappy Condition. The various Trials and Sufferings they underwent, and uncommon Accidents that befel them. Their happy Deliverance at last, and fortunate arrival in the Year 1718, in their several Native Countries of France, Spain, and Venice. By the author of ****[.]
Author of ****
Literature and Language
printed for Jacob Robinson at the Golden Lyon in Ludgate Street, and sold by the booksellers in town and country