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The scripture-Dictionary; or, guide to the holy scriptures: containing an historical account of the persons; a geographical and Historical account of the places; a Literal, Critical, and Systematical Description of other Objects, whether Natural or Artificial, Civil, Religious, or Military; Mentioned in the writings of the Old and New Testament, Or in those called apocrypha. Wherein also are explained The various Significations of all the Appellative Terms in Scripture; whereby the Meaning of many obscure Passages of the Sacred Text is cleared up; wrong Interpretations corrected; and seeming Inconsistencies reconciled. The Whole comprising Whatever important is known of the Antiquities of the Hebrews; forming a sacred Commentary; a Body of Scripture-History, Chronology, and Divinity; and serving, in a great Measure, as a Concordance to the Bible. In two volumes. ...
Religion and Philosophy
printed by James Chalmers and Company