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The speech of Henry Sacheverell, D.D. upon his impeachment at the bar of the House of Lords in Westminster-Hall, March 7. 1709/10. To which is prefix'd his effigies. To the Right Honourable the Lords spiritual and temporal, in Parliament assembled. May it please your Lordships, It hath been my hard Fortune to be Misunderstood, at a time when I endeavour'd to express my self with the utmost plainness; even the Defence I made at your Lordships Bar, in hopes of clearing the Innocence of my Heart, hath been grieviously misrepresented: For which Reason, I have humbly presum'd to Offer it in this manner to Your Lordships Perusal. My Lords, These are the very Words I spoke to Your Lordships; I hope they are so Plain and Express, as not to be capable of any Misconstruction, and may I so find Mercy at the Hands of God, as they are, in every Respect, entirely agreeable to my Thoughts and Principles. I am, my Lords, &c.
Sacheverell, Henry (1674-1724)
Social Sciences
printed for J. Baker, at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row