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Wilkes's jest book; or the merry patriot. Being a collection of all the choicest bons-mots, puns, Epigrams, Drolle Ries, Songs, and other witticisms. said or written from the year 1764, to the present time, respecting John Wilkes, Esq; and the Ever Memorable No. 45. Together with Many Valuable Original Pieces, Written on purpose for this Work, and never before published. While you read our Patriot's Page, Scorn the Tory's Idle Rage; And with Loyal Whigs combine To read, and smile at ev'ry Line. Sons of Freedom laugh away; Honest Hearts are always Gay.
General Reference
London: printed for T. Evans in Pater-Noster Row; and sold by all the booksellers, in England, Ireland, and America. 1770. Reprinted in Dublin, and sold by the Booksellers