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Tubal-Kain: being the Second part of Solomon in all his glory, or master mason: Containing an universal and genuine description of all its branches, from the original to the present time: As it is delivered in the Constituted Regular Lodges, Both in City and Country, According to the Several Degrees of Admissions: Giving an Impartial Account of their Regular Proceedings in initiating their New Members in the whole Three Degrees of Free Masonry; Viz. I. Enter'd 'prentice. II. Fellow Craft. III. Master. With A new and exact List of Regular Lodges, According to their Seniority and Constitution. By Samuel Pritchard, Late Member of a Constituted Lodge. To which is added, The Author's Vindication of Himself; together with the Copy of the Oath that he took before an Alderman, that this was a true Copy of Free Masonry. Likewise, a Collection of Free Masons Songs, Toasts, and Sentiments, &c.
Prichard, Samuel
Social Sciences
London: printed for W. Nicoll. And, Dublin: re-printed for, and sold by Thomas Wilkinson, in Winetavern-Street, the Corner of Cook-Street; where may be had all Sorta of Free-Mason Books