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An account of the origin, proceedings, and intentions of the Society for the promotion of industry, in the Southern District of the Parts of Lindsey, in the County of Lincoln. Published at the Desire, and with the Approbation of the Standing Committee of the said Society. The Third Edition. In which the Society's Accounts, and the Lists of Benefactors, Subscribers, and Trustees, are continued to the Audit in 1789, including an Account of the Subscription for the Establishment of a Dyer & Hot-Presser at Louth. To this Edition is also added, A Report of the Board of Trade to the Lords Justices, Respecting the Relief and Employment of the Poor; Drawn up in the Year 1697. By Mr. John Locke, One of the original Commissioners of that Board; With Notes by the Editor.
Bouyer, Reynold Gideon (d. 1826)
Social Sciences
printed at the expence, and sold for the benefit of the Institution by R. Sheardown, Printer and principal distributor to the Society; and to be had of Messrs. Harrison and Co. booksellers, Pater noster Row, London; of the principal Booksellers in Town and Country; and of the distributors to the Society of Industry