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The english hermit, or the unparalell'd and surprizing adventures of one Philip Quarll, who was lately found in an uninhabited island in the South Sea, near Mexico; where he has liv'd fifty Years unknown and remote from humane Assistance, and where he still remains and intends to end his Days. With an Account of his Miraculous coming there, and most wonderful manner of Living ever since; of his Dress. Habitation, and Utensils, as also of his being accidentally found out by an English Merchant, and an Inhabitant of Mexico, Fishing at the Foot of the Rocks that surround the said Island. With his Conversation and extream kind manner of Entertaining of the said Persons, to whom (having shew'd several wonderful Rarieties) he gave at Parting a Mapp of the Island of his own Drawing, and a Memorial of his Birth and Education, of all the strange and most unaccountable Transactions of his Life from the Age of Eight Years, to that of Seventy Eight. Likewise of the surprizing and unheard of events happened in the Island since his being there, carefully gathered out of the above said memoirs in thr[ee] books, by P. L. gent.
Longueville, Peter (fl. 1727)
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