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An act for laying additional duties on hides and skins, vellom and parchment, and new duties on starch, coffee, tea, drugs, gilt and silver wire, and policies of insurance, to secure a yearly fund for satisfaction of orders to the contributors of a further sum of one millio eight hundred thousand pounds towards Her Majesties supply; and for the better securing the duties on candles; and for obviating doubts concerning certain payments in Scotland; and for suppressing unlawful lotteries, and other devices of the same kind; and concerning cake-sope; and for relief o Mary Ravenall, in relation to an annuity of eighteen pounds per annum; and concerning prize cocoa nuts brought from America; and certain tickets which were intended to be subscribed into the stock of the South-Sea Company; and for appropriating the monies granted in this session of Parliament.
printed by John Baskett, printer to the Queens most excellent Majesty, and the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd
[London ]