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A short account of a course of mechanical and experimental philosophy and astronomy. In which will be exhibited the Experiments Necessary for the Explanation of Natural Philosophy in General, Or the Properties of matter, and the Laws by which it acts; Consisting of the following parts, I. Mechanics. II. Hydrostatics. III. Optics. IV. Pneumatics. V. Astronomy. VI. Use of the Globes. To be performed at By Tho. Peat, Surveyor and Accomptant. The Instruments made Use of to illustrate these Experiments are exceeding curious, beautiful, accurate and compleat. Particularly a fine Orrery, as improv'd by Messrs. Cole and Son, Successors to Mr. Wright, Mathematical Instrument Maker to His majesty. A curious Model of a Fire Engine; a Friction Machine, &c. This Course will consist of Fourteen Lectures, each of which will take up about two Hours, and be continued twice or thrice a Week, on such Days and at such Hours, as shall be agreed on by the Majority of the Auditors at the first Lecture.
Peat, Thomas (1708-1780)
Religion and Philosophy
printed by S. Creswell