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A succinct account, of the rites, and ceremonies, of the Jews, as observed by them, in their different dispertions, throughout the world, at this Present Time. In which, their Religious Principles, and Tenets, are Clearly Explained: Particularly, their Doctrine of the Ressurrection, Predestination, and Freewill: and the Opinion of Doctor Prideaux Concerning those Tenets, fully Investigated, Duly Considered, and Clearly Confuted. Also an Account of the Jewish Calendar, To which is Added, A Faithful and Impartial Account of the Mishna, and the Teachers thereof, in their Respective Ages, till the time of Rabbi Judah Hakkodosh, who Compiled the Mishna. With a chronological summary, Of Several Remarkable things, Relating to the People of the Jews, from the Most Authentic Records. By David Levi.
Levi, David (1740-1799)
Religion and Philosophy
printed for J. Parsons, No. 21, Paternoster-Row. Entered in the Hall Book of the Company of Stationers