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The Manchester and Salford directory; containing, I. An Alpabetical List of the Streets, Squares, &c. II. The Names of the Merchants, Traders, and principal Inhabitants of the Towns of Manchester and Salford, with the Situation of their respective Warehouses and Places of Abode. III. Also a List of the Country Tradesmen, with their Warehouses in Manchester. IV. The principal Whitsters, with their places of Abode. V. An Account of the Stage Coaches, Waggons, Carriers, &c. the Days they come in and go out. VI. The Vessels to and from Liverpool, on the Old Navigation; the Duke of Bridgewater's Canal, also the Names and distances of the Wharfs on the Navigations from Manchester, to the Rivers Trent, Severn, and Birmingham Canals, with average Rates of Freight Vii. His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, with their respective Divisions. VIII. Officers of the Infirmary and Lunatic Hospital. IX. Officers of Excise. X. The Names of the Firemen, and the Places where the Engins are kept. Designed for the Use of all Persons, as well Natives as Foreigners. By Elizabeth Raffald, Author of the Experienced English House-Keeper, at the Exchange, Coffee-House, where both Books may be had.
Raffald, Elizabeth (1733-1781)
Social Sciences
printed for, and sold by the author, and J. Harrop, opposite the Exchange