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The moral telescope; or an essay on the nature of moral action. Including remarks on several Portions of the Holy Scriptures, observations on the Education of Youth, and the Influence of Example; rules for Self-Examination, and for preserving serenity of Mind; Also containing a Variety of Cautions, Hints, and Advices; Together with Schemes proposed for removing Party Prejudices: and for planting the Christian Religion in those countries which are not yet enlightened by the beams of the Gospel. By John Smith, A. M. Preacher, Berwickshire.
Smith, John, preacher, Berwickshire
Religion and Philosophy
Printed and sold by W. Phorson, Berwick: sold also by B. Law Ave-Maria Lane, London; J. Bell Edinburgh; R. Nicol Dundee; J. Boyle Aberdeen; and other booksellers in town and country