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A short and plain vindication of several scripture principles; Especially of the Conditionality of the Covenant of Grace; and That Faith is the Primary and Comprehensive Condition thereof: In Opposition to the Antinomian Principles of the Seceders. With Remarks on some publick Prints between the Seceders in Scotland, and a Member of the Church of Scotland. and an address to those persons who admire, and follow the seceding preachers. By Charles Lynd, Minister of the Gospel, and a member of the General Synod. 2 Tim. iv. 3. For the Time will come, when they will not endure sound Doctrine; but after their own Lusts, shall they heap to themselves Teachers, having itching Ears. Psal. xxxi. 18. Let lying Lips be put to silence, which speak grievous Things, proudly and contemptuously against the Righteous.
Lynd, Charles (d. 1752)
Religion and Philosophy
printed by H. and R. Joy, at the Peacock in Bridge-Street