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The whole works of the Reverend and learned Mr John Willison, late minister of the Gospel in Dundee. Containing, I. The Afflicted Man's Companion; or a Directory for Families and Persons afflicted with Sickness, or any other Distress: With Directions to the Sick, both under and after Affliction. II. A Sacramental Directory; or a Treatise concerning the Sanctification of a Communion Sabbath. III. A Sacramental Catechism; or a Familiar Instructor, for young Communicants: plainly unfolding the Nature of the Covenant of Grace, with the Two Seals thereof, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. IV. An Example of plain Catechising, upon the Assembly's Shorter Catechism. V. Sacramental Meditations, proper for Communicants to prepare their Hearts, excite their Affections, and enliven their Devotions on Sacramental Occasions. VI. The Balm of Gilead, for healing a diseased Land; with a Scripture Prophecy of the Increase of Christ's Kingdom, and the Destruction of Antichrist. Vii. A Treatise concerning the Sanctification of the Sabbath; wherein the Morality of the Sabbath, or the perpetual Obligation of the Fourth Commandment is maintained against all Adversaries. Viii. Gospel Hymns, in Memory of redeeming Love, and of the Death and Sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Willison, John (1680-1750)
Religion and Philosophy
printed by J. Bruce and J. Boyle, at their Printing-Office in the Broadgate. For William Cushnie