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The case of John Palmer, and Thomas Symonds, gentlemen. Executed near Worcester on the 7th of May, 1708. upon the Evidence of Gyles Hunt, who having obtain'd his own Pardon, charg'd them to have been concern'd with himself in the Murder of Mrs. Alice Palmer, Mother to the said Mr. John Palmer, and her Maid. With The Letter of the said two Gentlemen to the Lord Bishop of Oxon, asserting their Innocence, and giving an Account how they were prevail'd on to confess themselves Guilty, by some who put them in hopes of a Pardon on that Condition. His Lordship's Answer, with a Form of Prayer he compos'd and sent them. Mr. Palmer's Letter to a Noble Lord in London on the Day of his Death, denying the Fact. And Mr. Palmer and Mr. Symond's Dying Speeches; wherein they deny it upon their Salvation. Publish'd according to their Dying Request to the Gentleman to whom they gave these Papers.
Social Sciences
printed and sold by Hen. Hills, in Black-Fryars, near the Water-Side