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(second night.) With considerable alterations & additions. The Exhibition, dramatic - brush, Royal procession, &c. was received on Wednesday Evening by a numerous and genteel Audience, with universal Approbation. To the Lovers of Novelty, Whim, and Humour. At the Bell Great-Room, in Brecon, On Friday Evening, December 4th, 1789, Will be presented, A Humorous, Pleasant, and Whimsical Exhibition of the Times: Or, as you like it. By Mrs. Hudson, (from the Royalty-Theatre, London; but last from Gloucester, Cheltenham, Worcester, &c.) Consisting of Music, Recitations, Imitations, Emblems and Caricatures, Original, Moral, Political and Satirical. In part the first, Will be introduced a variety of Striking Likenesses, or Characteristic Busts and Paintings, executed by an able Artist, and descanted upon with Humour and Sentiment, interspersed with some Serious and Comic Subjects from the Lecture on Heads, as altered by Pilon, and performed at the Royalty Theatre upwards of Seventy Nights. The first Part to conclude with the Bust of that brave Roman General, Belisarius, and the universally admired song of ``date Obolum Belisario,'' by Mr. Hudson. Part Second, The dramatic brush, (with alterations and additions.) For rubbing off the rust of care, And Smoothing the Wrinkled Brow of Melancholy. As performed by Mrs. Hudson, in London last Summer, upwards of fifty nights. The second Part to conclude with the Bust of Shakspeare, and the favourite song of ``the Seven Ages, or Stage Play of Human Life,'' by Mr. Hudson. Part Third, The Humours of the Times: Or, The World as it goes. In which will be introduced several laughable Characters of the present Age, &c. To conclude with a Favourite song, by Mr. Hudson. The whole to conclude with A new and grand Spectacle, in Commemoration of the King's happy Recovery, in which will be introduced, A complete and exact Representation of the Royal Procession to St. Paul's, On St. George's Day, as it moved on between Temple-Bar and Ludgate-Hill, And performed in London last Summer upwards of One Hundred and Thirty Nights. The Scenery, Machinery, and Decorations entirely New, and executed in the most masterly Style, by Two of the first Artists in London. - To close with ``god save the King!'' - Tickets to be had at the principal Inns; at the Printing-Office; and at the Bell. Pit 2s. - Gallery 1s. - The Doors to be opened at Half after Five, and to begin at Half after Six O'Clock. - This Spacious large Room is elegantly fitted up with proper Scenery, a Stage, and every Decoration necessary to form a complete Theatre; - And the ladies and gentlemen of Brecon, and its Vicinity, are respectfully informed, that neither Pains or Expence have been wanting to render the above Amusements worthy their Patronage and Encouragement.
Hudson, Mr
Hudson, Mrs.
Social Sciences
[Brecon? ]