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The candor and good-nature of Englishmen exemplified, in their deliberate, cautious, and charitable way of characterizing the customs, manners, constitution, and religion of neighbouring nations, of which their own Authors are every where produced as Vouchers;-Their moderate, equitable, and humane Mode of Governing States dependant on them; - their elevated, courteous, and conciliating Stile and Deportment, on all Occasions;-With, in particular, A true and well-supported Specimen of the ingenuous and liberal manner, in which they carry on Religious Controversy. To which are prefixed, proposals for printing by subscription, Eusebius or, essays on the principal virtues, vices, and passions. With some Account of that Work. By Thomas O Brien Mac Mahon, Author of an Essay on the Depravity of Human Nature, and other Publications.
M'Mahon, Thomas O'Brien
Social Sciences
sold by Mess. Bew, Pater-Noster-Row; Murray, opposite St. Dunstan's, Fleet-Street; Corrall, No 6, Catherine-Street; Riley, Curzon-Street, May-Fair; Lewis, Russel street, Covent-Garden